Thursday, August 13, 2009

"time flies"

And the world spins madly on…
And on.
And on a little bit more.
It’s the middle of August.
Before I know it, I’ll be hugging my siblings goodbye as they venture off to Briercrest…
I don’t like the thought of that…
but I guess they deserve their turn to be hugged goodbye instead of always doing the hugging.
And Kyle will be back in classes – buying books, writing papers, absorbing tidbits of info
(because who really absorbs it all? Be serious).
But things won’t change much for me… which is new.
Fall has always consisted of new beginnings, (new outfits), new adventures…
But not so much, this year.
I love my job, it’s just a strange feeling…
Growing up.

I look forward to buying books, learning things, hopefully finding a stage with a spotlight where I can play make-believe in front of an audience again.
But until then, I’m content.
… a strange feeling, growing up.


  1. I am so with you Jalen. Fall has always meant a clean slate. It is an odd feeling - growing up. In some ways I like, other things I miss.

    Maybe we could plan a date to Chapters, purchase a journal or something that resembles a clean sheet of paper to write on.
