Friday, April 30, 2010

i want to paint a picture.

I want to paint a picture -
not of flowers or of buildings,
but of you and me. Right now.
I want to cover the canvas with
blues and greens. Peace, contentment.
I want to splash yellow across the middle.
And for love - for our love - Rose.
Not quite pink, not quite red.
Warm, inviting...comfortable.
And I want all the colours to compliment each other,
Like you compliment me.
And in the middle, I want there to be a tree,
and on that tree will be a swing.
Because a swing is a place where you can fly.
And you can laugh... and you can dream.
You're that place for me.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

this is April.

So, there have been some big changes - mostly my health and my hair! I'm doing really well, health-wise, so praise the Lord because He's been doing amazing things in this silly body of mine. I'm still on a SUPER strict diet (bummersville) but I would rather eat rice and bok choy for lunch EVERY day than feel the way I felt in January, February and March. Shocking revelation - which may or may not be accurate - I think I might be allergic to some nuts... PEANUTS being one of them! What's the point of going ON, I ask you? No peanut butter? Are you KIDDING me?! We'll see if that's true though... It's hard to tell.

And now for the hair - I was feeling kind of "blah" about myself... the skin thing left me looking slightly aged and my hair had been tightly pulled back in a high Sumo wrestler bun for about three months (it itched my shoulders and neck otherwise!). SO, I decided to go a little funky... to show off my artsy side, if you will. More blonde and a little splash of pink. It's fun and unique and I'm loving it!
Below are two pics: one of da' hair, and one of Howie and I, Tori and Elise's new puppy (SO cute, too bad he can't stay that way forever...)