Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Wonderful Christmas Time

I'm a tad late with this one!
I had a wonderfully magnificent Christmas. It was full of fun, family and festivity (and who could possibly ask for more?!) We were at our church for Christmas Eve, and I read from "the Jesus Storybook Bible" from a big arm chair onstage. It was like story-time with Aunt Jay - I should have pushed my glasses down my nose a bit! When that was done, we headed over to Uncle Grant and Aunt Connie's house for Saip family Christmas. We ate lots of tasty food and played the present-stealing game (White Elephant?). Aunt Edna ended up with a bottle of Fireball...
We stayed overnight at Dad and Muttie's house and enjoyed a leisurely morning of opening presents, eating dad's goulash (yummy), drinking coffee and, of course, reading the Christmas story from Luke chapter 2.
At around 11:30 we headed over to mom and Lyle's to have our family Christmas there - we ate mandarin oranges and turtles (it's tradition!) opened presents and lazed around. Uncle Guy and Aunt Terri came over for Christmas dinner and we enjoyed our usual ridiculousness joking and laughing around the table, eventually retiring to "jam" in the music/living room.
I'll have you all know that I remained in my pajamas ALL day.
We left for Kelowna mid-morning on the 26th and enjoyed our Dyck family Christmas as soon as we arrived! We had an awesome time of relaxing, playing games (TTR, Settlers, Dominion) and I read about 50 percent of "Little Women" on my new Kindle! (I'm now at 80 percent).
We even enjoyed some outdoor theatre and a sleigh ride (right up my alley!) in Armstrong - we had an awesome time.
It was fabulous. Just fabulous.
Merry Christmas, friends.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to hear that someone else plays DOMINION! Mark and I got two games of Ticket to Ride for our wedding so we took one back and the guy at the game store recommended we get Dominion. We had no idea what it was and we took it on our honeymoon and LOVED it. We have taught three of our friends the game and they all fell in love. We do feel really dorky playing it. It kinda reminds me of the game Magic that my nerdy brother grew up playing... but I am glad to hear you also have a bit of nerd in you. Such a fun game!
