Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Road to Recovery

Let's blog this thing.
So, things have gotten better recently with my "allergic reactions"... my skin was getting increasingly better - I was actually thinking that the problem had, indeed, been solved! I was being VERY careful not to eat anything that contained even TRACES of egg, sesame or milk. I was good to go, basically.

Wishful thinking.

On January 4th, while in Washington with my fam, all rashy-face/neck/body-hell broke loose! It flared up just as it had done before... maybe worse. I have to admit that there were a few "tearful episodes" that occured. I was back to where I started 9 months ago - no answers.

So, I booked an appointment with a Dr. in Vancouver that my aunt Terri referred me to. Not only is he a "normal" practitioner, he is also a Dr. in traditional Chinese Medicine. The man is brilliant. Whitney was with me in the appointment (a major blessing), and after just a few short minutes of checking my wrists and eyeballs I was told EXACTLY what was going on with me. He knew all of my symptoms (that I never connected to the eczema) and I found out that my Liver has been in over-drive and that my pancreas and spleen have been in under-drive (is that a word?!) Not a good thing. My system isn't detoxing as it should - bummer!

SO, it's detox time. It's time to fix my Liver, mostly. It would be hard for me to list everything I CAN'T eat, so I'll tell you what I CAN : rice, cooked veggies(no mushrooms!), almond/rice milk, chicken and white fish, yeast-free bread, sugar-free/salt-free peanut butter, "hot soups" (but with no salt...?)... some teas... that's all I can think of.

I am also taking 12 pills per day... vitamins of course (and some liver boosting pills). There are also a couple of rules - I have to drink 1 1/2 to 2 litres of water or liquid everyday as well be ASLEEP by 11pm (after all, 11pm - 1am is the time of night that your liver detoxes... duh.)

So... that's what I'm doing. It's not super fun, but I think it's going to "fix me". I'm really grateful that I finally have a plan... Kyle and I have been praying for answers, and I believe that the Lord has provided answers - through a Chinese Medicine Doctor!

Thanks for reading guys - I'll let you know how it's going in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. it's all a blessing in day i think you'll find out why!
    love ya....keep me posted.
