Friday, February 19, 2010


So, its back to what it was in those first few pictures taken on February 3rd.
I was only given a few days worth of steroids, and when they were done, the problem that they had "fixed" came back full force. Because steroids take down inflammation, once you STOP taking them (and are still trying to detox those things out of your system) you swell up. Bummer.
I'm still confident that God is healing me... I won't lie though, its hard to be patient. He's healed me before (ask me some time about what happened in Cuba), so I know He can... I'm just wondering when He will.
Luckily I didn't have school this week because there's no way I could go - this semester has been a gong show, attendance-wise. I've missed A LOT. Had I known how sick I would become, I never would have registered.
But, the show must go on!

Keep praying for me, if you think of it. Pray that I would sleep through the night and that the swelling would go down in my eyes. Basically just pray that God would heal me VERY soon. So soon that it can be a testament to HIS ability to heal, and not that of detoxification or meds.

Much love. Jay

1 comment:

  1. so sorry to hear Jalen
    We continue to carry you in our prayers.
