Monday, December 6, 2010

the Christmas Crazies.

I'm desperately trying to finish off my remaining school work - tomorrow (Tues.) I'm shadowing Paige Hansen at SDSS as a drama teacher (it's recommended that anyone going into education has at least a few experiences in the classroom before finishing TEP, PDP or BEd). Wednesday morning is my Introduction to Technical Theatre final exam... I'm not at all prepared. That night we have the youth Christmas banquet, leaving me little to NO time to work on my final project for my Intro to Theatre class on Thursday morning.
If I can just survive past Thursday morning, my life will be easy, breezy and wonderfully Christmas-oriented. HOWEVER, I literally have no idea how I'm going to get all of this done.
Why not work on it RIGHT NOW instead of blogging? Well, I'm trying to... but every once in a while I become paralyzed with fear and have to resort to sneaking some Reese's pieces or staring at my Christmas tree or venting on a website...
Also, I've asked Kyle for Christmas movies for Christmas (scrooged, home alone, muppet christmas carol, it's a wonderful life, white christmas, the grinch, elf), but what good does it do me to open a gift that I will not be able to enjoy for a whole 'nother year?! dag nabbit. I still want them, I just want them now so that I can enjoy them. He already tried to buy me one, but I had already bought it for myself... (Christmas Vacation).

Okay, back to the grind. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. we can watch muppet christmas carol together! you'll get through it, you are determined like nobodies business! prayers and love and MISS YOU
