Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Look out, world. I'm "displeased".

"Hello...Jalen, is it?"
"Yes, hi"
"You've been dealing with this "condition" for a year and a half? hmmm... interesting. Have you had allergy testing before?"
"Yes, a year ago I had blood testing done through a naturopath"
"Oh. Well, I don't care what a naturopath found - do you KNOW of any allergies you have?"
"No... not for sure"
"Alright, let's do some tests then."

(Prick test, right arm foods, left arm contact allergens - 10 minutes of "reaction time")

"According to your reaction, it appears that you're quite severally allergic to dust mites"
"Oh. Is that why my arm is so swollen?"
"Yes. This allergy could be aggravating your skin quite a bit without you knowing it..."

Great. Wonderful.
First of all, naturopathic medicine (if that's what you'd call it - has literally been THE ONLY thing that has had a lasting positive impact on my health (obviously also through God's help and healing), and although it's slow as the dickens (and some days I want to give up) it's effective for long term.

Secondly, my apartment is carpeted wall to wall to wall except in the kitchen and bathrooms... so, thanks so much for suggesting that I not have carpet - super helpful. Also, I don't think covers for my duvet, mattress and pillows are covered under my medical plan, so I'm not going to be able to run down to the store and purchase those anytime this semester, but thanks.

Basically, thank you for making me aware of an enemy that I actually cannot fight right now... except for more frequent dusting and vacuuming.

Pfff. I'm just frustrated. Why does no one respect natural healing? Medical plans don't cover pillow covers or probiotics or enzymes, or ANYTHING that helps me, but they DO cover steroids and cortisone creams and other garbage that has actually caused SO much damage in (and ON) my body. It's dumb. Really stupid.

I had to get that off my chest. I'm not saying that allopathic medicine is bad, I'm just saying that there should be a certain amount of cooperation and respect between the different methods of healing... I'm tired of being made to feel stupid by doctors. I've been dealing with this for a year and a half now and I know a few things about my body that they don't. I have a vested interest in my well-being, and I can't just tell myself "good luck" and send me out the door with a prescription.

Okay. I'm done. Sorry for losing my cool a little bit, but seriously.

1 comment:

  1. jalen. i feel like i could have written this a few years ago. i would love to go for coffee with you soon and hear about the last year of your life with all this health stuff. where are you guys living? text meeee!
