Friday, October 8, 2010

this eminent spotlight.

I'm pretty excited...
this coming Wednesday is the first read through of "Girl in the Goldfish Bowl", which is the Morris Panych play that I was cast in at UFV. The cast is only 5 people and, in all honesty, everyone is SO great! (Which sounds conceited, but you know what I mean).
The play is set in 1962, when air raids and the Cuban missile crisis are part of daily conversation.
My wonderful, marvellous, talented friend Gabby Bohmer is the lead - she plays 10 year old Iris - and she is PERFECT for the part. Just an all-star.
Ron Jackson - a very funny and intimidatingly gifted actor - will be playing Owen, Iris' father, who has not worked since World War II (when he accidentally shot himself in the leg while loading a gun), and is completely obsessed with physics.
Rebekah Brisco - what a doll. Lovely, talented and hilarious! She will be playing Sylvia, Iris' mother, who, in an attempt to leave the family, slipped and broke her wrist, and is now stuck in an awkward situation.
Josh Wilson - who I think of when I think of "UFV Theatre". Very talented, and although I was super intimidated by him at first, he's actually very sweet and VERY funny. He will be playing Lawrence, an aimless drifter with an undistinguishable past whom Iris found on the beach and believes to be the reincarnation of her dead goldfish, Amahl ("I named him Amahl because that's where we bought him").
And me. I play "Miss Rose" ("maybe I'll tell you my first name when we've known each other a little longer.....Vivian"). I am the boarder at Iris' house, middle-aged, hopelessly stuck in the war years (for those were my glory days), I spend my days working at a fish cannery, and my nights down at the Legion making out with Veterans "like its VE day all over again" (although you never see it). I have the least amount of lines in the play, but the role is fabulous! (I actually have the most costume changes, which means that I will have multiple dresses made JUST for me!)

It's going to be wonderful. The show goes up in late January and runs until Feb. 6th. You should come see it.

xo - J

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